November 23, 2009

lovely cositas giveaway!

i swear these things come in ever-so-handy!  tight muscles?  put your heat therapy rice bag on it!  cold feet?  rice bag!  need a warm compress?  rice bag!  your two-year-old get a boo-boo?  keep one in the freezer or fridge and you're all set!  i've made quite a few in the last few days and thought i'd share the wealth.  so i'm giving one away!  if you want this one, say so!  otherwise i can make you a different one!  no problem!

(so perhaps i will iron it, cause the wrinkles are driving me nuts!)

it has a washable outer part, cause you probably will be using it that much!

the other thing i decided to whip up last night...'s only half done at this point.  we'll try to finish this by thanksgiving day!

***to win***

simply leave a comment here right now!

comments will be closed wednesday at 10pm, PST, november 25...and the winner announced shortly thereafter.  be sure i have a way to contact you if you win!  good luck!

**congratulations to Staci Lynn!**


  1. U R so awesome Brooke! Seriously I mean it! Those look great, beautifully made.

    (and I'm not saying it to win, you can't ship to me ; )

  2. I want to win it! They are super cute. I didn't even know you had a craft blog, now I'm glad to know.

  3. I love it. L.O.V.E. The other GREAT thing it's used for - ouchie milk making breasts that are prone to clogged ducts and mastitis. I used my *rice sock* (ugly old mans sock filled with rice) this last weekend constantly to battle mastitis. I won, however the rice holder was not lovely. It would be oh so fabulous to have a lovely way to heal myself...L.O.V.E. Pure.

  4. um, excuse me. why have I not known about this blog? it's been around since March and I'm just now finding out about it?! Your blue carpet has never looked so *lovely* - you are a quick learner my dear. So happy for you and your new photo hobby! A woman after my own heart. XOXO

  5. you are so cute are so crafty love this ultra-cute rice cover!!

  6. Wow, super cute!!! I want to win!!!

  7. It is so fun to see all the fun and creative crafts everyone is making. What a fun idea... I don't think I have ever used a rice heater thingy...My sister is having a baby soon, I really like the "milk making breast" tip!!

  8. I'm with Robin, why have I not known about this blog before now? Glad to know now, and I want to win!

  9. Ooooh how cute!!! I totally want one of these! :)

  10. I wanna play! so cute -- count me in!

  11. i want to win this one, too! is that fair?? :)
