January 6, 2010

happy new year!

sorry about my long absence.  i was gone to a wedding for a little while and then had a lazy start getting back into things.  you're all there too, i'm sure.

despite my serious craftiness lately, i haven't shown much, have i?  i vow to do better.  that is my blog resolution.  to share with you all more what i've really been making and thinking about.

so since i'm at work and unable to show pictures of my handiwork, i thought i'd share some of my "to be" projects for this month.  i'm very excited to get started on these.  some are simple, some are harder.  some are birthday-oriented. 

first off, we have these completely adorable pj's from oliver + s.  they have loads of beautiful garments to make for your little ones.  i've made a few and am now moving on to these.  i'll try my best!  my kids are constantly growing out of their pajamas...sometimes even a week after i've bought them new ones.  chloe, in particular, grew an inch or two (i'm totally serious) within a few days...leaving her brand new jammies lifeless in the pj basket.  twas a sad moment.  at least if i make them, i can make them fit her exactly or just a tad bigger for more growing.  and i can make them as cute as i'd like, the biggest plus.

then, on the purlbee, i found someone's cute idea of making these alphabet magnets.  sienna knows a lot of her letters.  i would love her to be able to start spelling things with these.  that is, assuming that chloe won't carry them off somewhere to be her "baby".  everything is her baby these days.  too cute.

one more thing i have on my list this month to make.  so needed!

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