March 19, 2010

more of the harvesting

nine beautiful carrots, right in a row.

my little girl, so happy to sow.
a few wild flowers to brighten the day...

...more jumbled carrots, i know...what the hey?
my citrus tree blossoming reminds me of spring...

...the local gopher nibbling, the new garden king.

and then there's zucchini, it's growing with ease.  i can't wait to eat it, it's sure to please!

if you're hungry and don't want to spend a few bucks, vegetables i have and will share- they're not yuck.
(thanks for slowly tolerating my lack of rhyming're the best!)


  1. I love these updates - though they make me a wee bit jealous. We are just getting started on our garden and you're harvesting! Your photos are lovely. Makes me want to get going even more! I can't wait to see our seedlings shooting up and spot our first tomato! Gardening is so fun.

  2. love the new design! good job. follow this if you want to make your own code for people to easily copy and put your 'lovely' button on their site!

  3. OK, to get your button I had to download the pic to my computer. Upload it to my blog by "adding a picture" widget. And then type in the blog URL. Try getting the code so there is only one step - I bet you'll get a lot of people doing it! cute cute
